Sunday, July 19, 2015

Does Window Replacement Needs The Right Stucco Concrete Texture Match Existing

Does Window Replacement Needs The Right Stucco Concrete Texture Match Existing  

Windows embedded deeply exterior walls are contractors first battle when removing them from Hallow tile framed homes.
How to stucco around newly installed windows or doors 


 This type of traditional architecture construction application takes at least 20 years of solid experience and knowledge base in order to get your home stuccoed correctly, moreover whenever you're doing a window replacement on an existing window that needs to be torn out immediately, due to in fractures cracked glass or the vinyl starts cracking and peeling, moreover the surroundings stucco exterior gets cracked and starts to fall off of the surrounding area.

a lot of homeowners based on specifications don't really understand how Windows are installed on concrete homes and stucco finish, moreover when we arrived with our crew members we immediately prep the fractured window location, as soon as we breakout the surrounding top layer of stucco, we start grinding out the chicken wire, behind the chicken wire there is a solid layer of either CMU hollow tile wall, or solid concrete wall structure," we immediately try out the existing broken window using the proper tools and functionalities," next phase is to install the new vinyl or aluminum window application, using aluminum fencing nails, to harness the new window," we prepare fiberglass membrane that goes around the window trim to ensure your window is solid stalled and waterproof.

we also make sure that Windows don't leave through the new stucco application, this is a huge complaint by homeowners have concrete homes, that's precisely why we use waterproof protection fiberglass match applied before we install the concrete masonry stucco finish.

When we install the fiberglass mesh membrane over the new window, we cut it to size," even after we apply the mesh we use a strong urethane caulking adhesive to make sure the membrane sticks to the aluminum window flashing.

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These types video segments show exactly what's involved in these applications, as you can see in a few these videos we use tarpaper after the membrane is installed, there are many layers of construction material that needs to be applied before you do the final phase of Browning or stucco application.

using a hammer around the vinyl window you need to use the correct type of hammer, to crack and break stucco, using a angle grinder or skill saw it has the correct saw blade to cut concrete and stucco is ideal, moreover some contractors choose to use saws awls, they start breaking out stucco gently, at least 6 inches to 24 inches from the base of your aluminum window.

if you need any details or information to help you finish your vinyl window installation project please contact us our phone number is 808-688-6309 thank you very much for visit our website at

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